Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
What is RCIA?
RCIA. is the process for all adults (High School seniors and older) to come into full communion with the Catholic Church. There are three Sacraments of Initiation into the fullness of the faith - Baptism, First Eucharist (First Communion), and Confirmation. RCIA is the catechetical (teaching) process to prepare adults to receive these Sacraments, plus Reconciliation, to begin their Christian journey into the fullness of the Catholic Faith.
RCIA is for those who have never been validly baptized (Catechumenate) and are just beginning a journey of Faith. Most likely these are ones who have never been 'churched' in any religion or if they are familiar with a particular religion, it has been on a sporadic or random basis. These will receive all three of the Sacraments of Initiation plus the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
RCIA is also for those adults who are coming from a non-Catholic or Protestant Faith and have already been validly baptized. Most likely these individuals are 'churched' in their particular religion and for a variety of reasons are now wishing to become Catholic. These individuals would be referred to as Candidates and will receive First Eucharist, Confirmation and Reconciliation.
RCIA. is also for those adults who were baptized Catholic and have not received First Communion and/or Confirmation and are in need of completing their initiation into the Faith.
RCIA starts with a catechetical period called Inquiry on every Sunday in June from 10:30 A.M. - Noon. Inquiry is four sessions on different topics in which the individual is inquiring to see if the Catholic Faith is what they are seeking. It is a period of exploring and discovering what Catholics believe and to discuss some of the differences that exist between Catholicism and some Protestant Faiths. These are planned as an open discussion to encourage your questions. You can review the Inquiry Schedule by clicking on "RCIA Inquiry Schedule" on the upper left under "Faith Formation"..
In early August, the required catechetical period begins with the final class being held on the Sunday after Easter. Those who have attended the RCIA classes and met all requirements to receive their Sacraments, will be brought into the Church with the Sacraments mentioned above at the Easter Vigil Mass on Holy Saturday evening. Each person attending the class will be paired with an active Catholic as their 'Sponsor' to assist them through this journey.
The teaching is framed into 4 parts:
1. Our Faith - What we believe
2. The Sacraments - How we celebrate our Faith
3. Our Life in Christ - How we live out our Faith
4. Prayer and Spirituality - How we relate to God with one another.
When does RCIA meet?
RCIA meets on Sundays from 9:00am until 11:30 am . Breakfast-type snacks will be available. There are a minimal number of Saturday classes that are scheduled only when the required resources are not available on Sunday. There will be one 'field trip' on a Saturday as well. The format is lecture and small group discussion supplemented with videos on occasion. You can review the RCIA Calendar by clicking on "RCIA Calendar" on the upper left under "Faith Formation/RCIA-Becoming Catholic'.
HOW DO YOU REGISTER? Complete the contact form which can be found under "What is RCIA" on the upper left under 'Faith Formation/RCIA-Becoming Catholic'.
Contact Jeanne Yursik, RCIA Director, at [email protected] .